Project Overview

Project Update 01/08/2024


The works are continuing on the scheme with Stage 1 and Stage 2 progressing in parallel.


Stage 1 works from Willbrook to St Gatiens Court have resumed with the cladding of the flood defence walls. This will be followed by the installation of the landscaping in the area. It is currently scheduled to complete these works by the end of Q3 2024.


Stage 2 works have commenced from St Gatiens Court to St Endas Drive with the installation of 50% of the flood defence walls along the preparation works for the installation of a trash screen at the inlet of the culvert which goes under the Rathfarnham Ford Garage. Preparation works are scheduled to be completed in September when the trash screen will then be installed. A Foul Sewer diversion is required to allow for continuation of the defence walls. These works will commence on August 12th and will take approximately 3 weeks to complete.


Works have also commenced in front of Nos 1-5 Whitechurch Stream which will provide direct flood defences to these properties.


Stage 3 works from Willbrook Lawn to Willbrook Road are also currently being assessed with detailed designs currently being finalised.  Enabling works for this stage of the works are expected to commence in Q4 2024 with tree and vegetation assessment and removal.


Upcoming Traffic Management from 12/08/2024 to accommodate Road Closure


To allow for the continuation of the Stage 2 defence walls, a foul sewer diversion is required to be completed across Whitechurch Road adjacent to the entrance at St Gatiens Court.


To accommodate this a road closure is required in the area and a Traffic Management Plan will be put in place from August 12th. The works will take approx. 3 weeks to complete and details of the Traffic Management Plan are as follows.



The main impacts from the plan are that,


There will be no through access from the Taylors Lane direction past the Sarah Curran Avenue junction, except for local access.


Local access will be maintained for residents in Willbrook, St Gatien’s Court and Whitechurch Road up to the road closure area at St Gatiens Court. Access and egress to and from these areas will be required to be made from the Taylors Lane direction. Temporary traffic lights will also be installed between Willbrook at St Gatiens Court to allow for continuation of the cladding works.


There will be no through access for traffic coming from the Willbrook Rd direction and traffic will be diverted down St Enda’s Drive.


There will be no left turn from St Enda’s Drive onto Whitechurch Road except for local access.


If you require any further information on the Traffic Management Plan or on any other aspect of the scheme please contact


We apologise for any inconvenience the works have caused to date and thank you for your continued patience.



Project Update 04/01/2024


Stage 1 of the scheme is nearing completion with the works in St Enda’s Park substantially completed and the defence walls from Sarah Curran Avenue to St Gatien’s Court scheduled to be completed by April.


We are now progressing to Stage 2 of the scheme which is from St Gatiens Court to Whitechurch Stream. Stage 2 works include further tree removal, which will take place in February and the construction of further defences at St Gatien’s Court, Rathfarnham Ford Garage, the Capri Site and the Whitechurch Stream Terrace.


In order for us to progress to Stage 2 we are required to extend the current traffic management layout along Whitechurch Road to its junction with St Enda’s Drive.


This will mean that a one way system will be in place from Sarah Curran Avenue to St Enda’s Drive and the extended traffic management will be in place from January 15th. Current diversion routes will remain in place and we currently expect the traffic management plan to be in effect until September 2024.


The new traffic management plan will be as follows



We apoligise for any inconvenience this may cause but we have tried to structure the Traffic Management plan to provide the least disruption as possible to the area.


We also appreciate that this will cause some initial disruption but safety is our upmost priority and we ask all road users to please adhere to the Traffic and Site Safety Signage and to make themselves fully aware of the changes. If you require any further information please email


Project Update 23/11/2023


Stage 1 of the scheme from St Enda’s Park to St Gatiens Court is progressing successfully

where we have seen the in stream works in St Enda’s Park recently completed

but unfortunately due to some unforeseen factors this stage of the works are currently running

behind the initial Stage 1 estimated completion time of the end of September 2023.


These factors include.

Minor Archaeological finds which have had to be analysed and recorded by the Project Archaeologist in line with the licence conditions outlined by National Monuments Service.


Damage to unfinished works in St Enda’s Park due to recent heavy rainfall events, where as a result resources had to be diverted in St Enda’s Park to ensure the works were completed in compliance with Inland Fisheries conditions.


Sourcing of Materials – Due to current market conditions some vital material deliveries are experiencing delays.


Unforeseen works following the removal of trees and vegetation in February this year.


As the in stream works in St Enda’s have now been completed, resources will now be focused in completing the  works adjacent to St Gatien’s Court which we currently estimate will be completed before Christmas.


In early 2024 we will be progressing to Stage 2 which will be from St Gatiens Court to Grange Park where the Traffic Management will be adjusted to accommodate the works. We are currently reviewing the traffic management required and will notify you of the new layout when this has been finalised.  In 2024, there may be also some localised traffic management put in place at certain times along Whitechurch Road which I will notify you about.  This is to allow us to plan ahead and assist us in mitigating against any further unforeseen issues that may arise.


I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your patience as we carry out the scheme.

We fully understand that the works do have a substantial impact on the area and we are striving to

construct the scheme as efficiently as possible within the conditions set out by the relevant Statutory bodies.


Flood Alleviation schemes are complex projects to construct and this has proved no different, but we have already seen the benefits as the totem poles recently installed in St Enda’s Park were successful during the recent storm events in holding back substantial debris that would normally accumulate at the Sarah Curran Bridge, which would  result in the adjacent river banks being further eroded.  The riverbanks and weir in St Endas Park have also been reconstructed and futureproofed in what we hope will become a pleasant addition to the park when this area re-opens.


Project Update 08/05/2023




FROM MAY 22ND 2023


Stage 1 construction works on the scheme will commence on May 22nd 2023
until late September 2023.

Stage 1 construction works will be carried out within St Enda’s Park and on
Whitechurch Road from the Sarah Curran Avenue/Whitechurch Road junction to St
Gatien’s Court.


To accommodate the works a Traffic Management Plan will be installed from May 22nd
that we would like to make you aware of, which can be found below.

Due to the work areas required to complete this stage of construction, it is required to
make the section of Whitechurch Road from the Sarah Curan Avenue junction to the
entrance of St Gatiens Court, a one-way system, which only can be accessed for vehicular
traffic from the St Gatiens Court side. This means that there will no right turn from
Sarah Curran Avenue onto Whitechurch Rd and traffic trying to access the
Whitechurch Road past Sarah Curran Avenue from Taylors Lane will have to turn
right onto Sarah Curran Avenue and follow the diversion routes.


A new dedicated construction works entrance will also be installed adjacent to the St
Enda’s Park car park entrance which we ask park and road users to be aware of.
Pedestrian and Cycling routes will be fully accommodated through all the traffic
management layouts for the duration of the Stage 1 works.


We appreciate that this will cause some initial disruption but safety is our upmost
priority and we ask all park and road users to please adhere to the Traffic and Site
Safety Signage and to make themselves fully aware of the changes.
If you require any further information please email


Traffic Management Plans can be found here: WSFAS – TMP March – September 2023



Project Update 13/03/2023





The set up of the site compound for the scheme will commence on Monday 20th March and will take 4-5 weeks to complete.


The compound will be located in St Enda’s Park, in the area directly to the right hand side of the Sarah Curran Avenue vehicle entrance.


To accommodate the location of the compound, a short section of the internal pathway on the Sarah Curran Avenue side of the park will be closed off and replaced with a temporary pathway to the rear of the compound area. Route signage will be put in place signalling the changes.


Full access to the Sarah Curran Avenue car park will be in place during the compound set up but some disruption may be experienced and we ask all park users to stay safe and follow all diversions that will be in place


If you require any further information please contact us at




Project Update 17/02/2023


TREE REMOVAL WORKS 20/02/2023 – 28/02/2023


To facilitate the commencement of the scheme, tree removal works will be carried out from the Willbrook area to the St Gatien’s Court area from Monday February 20th to Tuesday February 28th.


To accommodate the tree removal works a Stop-Go traffic management plan will be implemented in sections from Willbrook to St Enda’s Drive from 10am-4pm on the days of the works


Two way traffic will be facilitated as part of the traffic management plan and the traffic management plans can be found here


Whitechurch FAS- Tree Removal TMP Location 1

Whitechurch FAS- Tree Removal TMP Location 2


Tree Removal works will also take place in St Enda’s Park in the area beside the Sarah Curran Bridge where a pedestrian management plan will be implemented to accommodate the works


Full pedestrian and car park access to St Enda’s Park will be maintained during the course of the works


Please contact if you have any queries


Project Update 01 February 2023




South Dublin County Council, in conjunction with the Office of Public Works are pleased to announce the commencement of the Whitechurch Stream Flood Alleviation Scheme. 


The scheme will be constructed by the Office of Public Works Eastern Region Flood Relief Construction Section and will involve the introduction of vital and varied flood defenses to provide protection to a 1 in 100 year flood event along the Whitechurch Stream starting in St Enda’s Park and along Whitechurch Road to its junction with Ballyboden Rd.


Works will commence in mid February and are currently expected to take 24 months. The full suite of documents including the plans and environmental reporting on the scheme are available to view online on the project website


While there will be disruption in the area over the construction period, the scheme will be constructed in phases to try and minimise disruption.


Phase 1 will commence from St Enda’s Park to the St Gatiens Court area and will include tree removal and the installation of a Site Compound in St Enda’s Park. Full access to the public car park in St Enda’s Park will be made available through the duration of the scheme.


To accomodate the Phase 1 works, a Traffic Management Plan will be implemented from St Enda’s Park to St Gatien’s Court in March 2023.


Prior to construction we have scheduled the following pre-construction events where the project team will be available to address any queries you may have on the scheme. These are walk in events and an appointment is not required.





10.00am – 3.30pm; Nature Room, St Enda’s Park Courtyard.





4.30pm – 8.30pm; Web Project Building, Taylor’s Lane.



If you are unable to attend, queries can be made through

Project Update

In December 2020 (following the making of an application by the Council, on or about 29th July 2020, for approval under section 177AE of the Planning and Development Act 2000, as amended) An Bord Pleanála granted planning approval in respect of the Whitechurch Stream Flood Alleviation Scheme.


Subsequent to this grant of planning approval by the Board, an application for leave to apply for judicial review of the Board’s decision was made to the High Court in February 2021 by the Ballyboden Tidy Towns Group. The High Court granted the Ballyboden Tidy Towns Group leave to apply for judicial review. This judicial review of the Board’s decision to grant the planning approval is scheduled for hearing in November 2021. As the matter is the subject of those legal proceedings currently before the High Court, the Council will not be making further comment in respect of same.


Introductory Video

South Dublin County Council, in partnership with the Office of Public Works (OPW), is carrying out an important new project to manage flooding from the Whitechurch Stream in Rathfarnham.

Flood Alleviation measures were assessed as part of a larger project to manage flooding from the River Dodder under the OPW’s national Catchment Flood Risk Assessment and Management (CFRAM) project. A Flood Alleviation Scheme is now being progressed as part of OPW’s Flood Risk Management Plans to address flood risk in Ireland nationwide.

The Whitechurch Stream Flood Alleviation Scheme (FAS) project team is now in place and consultants (RPS) have been appointed to assist the Council.

The objective of this project is to upgrade the Whitechurch Stream to protect against flood events that happen once in 100 years (1% AEP flood event) by providing up to 275 metres of Flood Defences. The €2 million investment will protect over 170 properties including 150 homes and up to 20 businesses.



Virtual Consultation Room

Click the image to enter the Virtual Consultation Room

Study Area

Forming part of the five main tributaries of the River Dodder, the 7.7km Whitechurch Stream rises between Tibradden and Kilmashogue Mountains. It flows northerly through Marley Park and St. Enda’s Park, onto Willbrook, where it meets the Owendoher River. Flowing through parkland and urban areas, the Whitechurch Stream includes a large number of bridges, culverts and weirs..
Click the image to the left to see the exact location of the area.